Presentation of Walking Aid for Lydia
On the 22nd January 20014 W.Bro Ken Baxter, the Deputy Group Charity Steward for the Tuscan Group, a member of St George Lodge 553, sent a request to the West Lancashire Charities for temporary financial assistance, to purchase a Walking Aid for a young child.
Ken Baxter Sarah and Lydia
Sarah's work friends
W.Bro Ken made a promise to continue to raise enough funds to purchase a Walking Frame which would be suitably adapted for a very little girl whose name is Lydia. Assistance was granted. On the 16th April 2014, our Provincial Grand Master attended the Offices of the DWP in Warrington, to present the Walking Aid to Lydia.
A Joy to all!
A Proud Mum
W.Bro Ken and Sarah, who is Lydia’s Mum, have worked together for 8 years in the DWP, during which time both families have become friends. When Sarah and her Partner Ian heard that West Lancashire Mark Masons would help them by purchasing the Walking Aid, they felt overcome with the generosity of Mark Masons, and offered their thanks to all concerned The PGM address the gathering, and expressed his thanks for the invitation to hold the presentation at the Offices of the DWP also for the refreshments.
Lydia walking
W. Bro Ken Baxter explained the reason for the gathering, and thanked all those concerned for their attendance. DWP Centre Manager Jane Brine, then addressed the gathering during which, Jane stated that she had not been aware that Freemasons would perform such actions of charity and other good works.
Ken Baxter, Sarah, The PGM and Lydia
Sarah has found that Lydia is overjoyed with her Walking aid. The aid has allowed Lydia to go into the garden, and play happily with her twin sister Faye, who races along with her scooter. The following people attended the presentation.
Jane Brine DWP manager applauding and addressing
Ann Baxter with Lydia,
Ken Baxter and Jane Brine in the background
The Provincial Grand Master R.W. Bro Peter Connolly and his wife Lynne Connolly, Assistant PGM V.W. Bro Michael Clarke, Special Representatives W.Bro Derek Horrocks, W.Bro Eric Drinkwater and his wife Tegwyn Drinkwater, Deputy Group Charity Stewards W.Bro Ken Baxter and his wife Ann Baxter, W.Bro Graham Sinden and his wife Ruth, W.Bro Eric Delamere , W.Bro Gordon Archer, Jane Brine DWP Centre Manager, her Colleagues’ from DWP and representatives from the Warrington Guardian.
Lydia with DWP staff
Lydia enjoying attention
Our Provincial Grand Master thanks all of the Brethren throughout the Province, for their continued support and fund raising for charitable giving. It his wish that the Brethren continue to look for ways we can help others.
Lydia, Jack's favorite Shot
Mark Masons from Warrington and Garston with  
P.G.M, Assistant P.G.M and  Special Representatives
Our PGM also invites the Brethren to support the Mark Degree by attending presentations if and when possible. He would remind the Brethren to always have in mind, that, if you feel you have a worthy cause, which you feel could benefit others. You should put together a simple written application to your lodge Charity Steward, who will be able to guide you through the application procedure. Please note applications’ should not be for running costs, such as wages and utility bills. 
Report and photographs by W.Bro Jack Parker